The Best Groom Ever and His Stunning Bride - The Okunsanyas Wedding
Give and you shall receive. Here’s how we believe all great men should care for their wifey especially their wifeys to be. Just be like the latest groom in Lagos, the renowned Pharmacist Olabola Okusanya who got married to his talented Bridal Makeup Artist and Enterpreneur Segilola Ajisoge now Mrs Okusanya ofcourse (Yessso). Do we think Olabola is the best groom ever, yes and I’ll also be partial as I do personally know Olabola. He was a flatmate back in OSU (Uni) days and having been through alot together I personally know him very well and when ‘Waheed’ (as he was being known back in ‘dem’ days) is TRULY in LOVE, I do know (so does Mayor, BJ baba, Kendo, Bonetti, Josco, Taiwo aka BB, JLo, Yodi, Deola, Wunmi, Tosyno, Rojas, abeg help me tag anyone in comment below if i missed them out).

This marvellous Groom giving his wifey to be a Foot massage on their engagement traditional wedding is just everything and inspiring. After all we all know how massive and stressful Nigerian traditional weddings can be. Well if you’re a Nigerian or African, you will understand the Owambe vibes, you getting sucked into the vortex of your traditional wedding planning, dressing up in different traditional Asoebi outfits, the Gele tying, Iro and Buba all put together and then ‘Ijo ya’ (dancing time) in heels dancing to the Live band of correct Fuji music, sweating it all out and getting hitched. It ain’t easy to be a Bride ‘mehn’, and we do feel for the wifey Segilola. But most importantly thank goodness she’s got fresh lovely feet otherwise we think the “Best Groom” might think twice.
AjiBola17 - The Okusanya's Inspiring Nigerian Wedding and How it All Started
Now let’s talk about The Okusanya’s Inspiring Wedding and how The Love Story all started. Olabola was a lucky man, while most Nigerian men will go through all sorts of toasting (wooing), dine and wine, buying an iPhone 8 for her or even a Range rover just to get a girl, Olabola found his lady through her own friends, the 2 beautiful @iamtols and @sfadase. Tolu and Seyi actually did the toasting job for Olabola (not that he’s not good at toasting a girl by himself, cough cough). They both said to Segilola directly to give Olabola her mobile number, when she asked why, they simply replied because we said so. I personally don’t know or never met the lovely Tolu and Seyi, both when you see great friends that build a Love Story then you just know they are awesome and great people. Hi5 to you both gorgeous girls.
Now 2 years later, Olabola went down on his knees, head over heels and asked Segilola to marry him as he’s ready to give her his last name and be together forever and ever. Just how sweet. Introduction ceremony done, Traditional Engagement wedding done and their beautiful matrimony all done. We are also happy for these 2 inspiring Love Birds and we pray your Love for each other will overflow more and more. Thanks for sharing your True Love for each other and we at My Afro Caribbean Wedding Nigeria adore you loads.
Relive the lovely wedding photos from the Wedding Ceremonies featuring The Groom Olabola Okunsanya, the stunning Bride Segilola Okunsanya, Bridesmaids, Groomsmen, family and friends from @mayorkings, @giles_ebk, @aloaye, @yelloworyx, @hiki.p, @hiki.p @kayyyyyo @yelloworyx, @oluremisan, @simbosimgee, @keysersoze_esq @mobolajilaw @krossminds @bjbaba01 @ti_oolu @joeyzazy @oakinsanya @yelloworyx @dennyt007 @wfstofacki @oladipo_oo @simbosimgee @pro7ven @iamtols @sfadase @dolapo_questitches.